AmigaOS3.5 (354/967)

From:Peter Hutchison
Date:12 May 2000 at 10:20:06
Subject:RE: OS 3.5 CD

> Hello!
> I have an A4000 and just purchased the OS 3.5 CD.
> However, I am having difficulties reading it. When
> I put it in the CD-unit, the disk just spins and spins
> without the computer being able to read anything.
> I am using the HP 9200 CD read/write-unit with the
> CyberSCSI-port that came with my PPC-card. I
> have not had any problems reading CDs before.
> I can e.g. read a lot of other Amiga-CDs as well as
> PC-CDs.

What CD filesystem were you using. If using 3.1 CDFS
then there is the problem, it is crap. Try AmiCDFS
from Aminet instead - its much better than 3.1's effort.

> I tried reading the OS 3.5 CD at my work computer,
> which is an ordinary PC with an IDE CD-unit, and it
> worked well. At work - on another PC - I also used
> the HP 8200 CD read/write-unit to make a copy of
> the CD, thinking that this would eliminate any media
> problem. Although the copying was successful(it can
> be read on the PC)I cannot read the copy on my Amiga.
> Could anyone please help me?

You have to be careful copying Amiga CDs on PCs as the
filesystems are slightly different. PCs use ISO9660 + Joliet
while Amigas use ISO9660 + Rockridge. You must change the
CDR settings before making copies of Amiga CDs.

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